...we didn't make it to Severin :(. Our apologies go to the guys planning the festival, they were real nice over the phone etc. but I was sick as fuck for almost a week, even had problems standing up properly (the flu, what were you thinking?!). However,
Truda, one of the most picturesque, original and standing out bands in Romania won the motherfucker, so congrats go out to them. Notice I said that so I could use the term picturesque at least once in my lifetime. Well life goes on, after I barely escaped the angry mob and swore never to catch a cold in my life again, it's time to look towardz zee future -
the Cluj competition, which btw will come complete with an audio compilation Morgan Freeman (d_mix) will be featured on, so I guess it's our first discographic entry, hear he hear he. The d_mix, as you probably suspected, is a little mix Dome did by adding some freaky guitars, it sounds a bit different but it's pretty much the same. What?
The freakin' flu gave everyone an excuse for not recording anything last weekend, but things are looking up, the songs are more and more fluent @ rehearsals (actually, so fluent it kind of pains me to see rehearsal recordings from a few months ago, but anywayz) and this album will kick major ass, whether you like the idea and/or you're prepared to believe it or not. I can tell you it will be miles above whatever we've got streaming online right now, and it's definitely gonna be a first for Romania, not that that would be too tough to pull off anyway.
Recording - wise, so far we've pretty much covered
"Overflown" and
"Bedouin", and the next one we're doing is called
V For Valentine - a song that evolved out of one of Dome's homegrown ideas. Btw, you can listen to the song V For Valentine emerged from on
Dome's blog, and if you wish to complain about his abusing of voice effects, do it there. Not here. Sheesh.
Peace, love and kill all hippies
Cluj gig poster: