Plain and simple, we've got another song about finished and recorded, passed it to OQ (Guerrillas) for mixing / mastering duties and now it's up on myspace. There's another one done but it'll be uploaded a little later, sometime the next week(s), seen that it takes so little to write and so long to record these damned things... Band has also been dragged back by internal stuff but now we've parted ways with our bass player and are already trying another one out. I'd say this change affects the recording schedule, but then again, looking back, what fucking recording schedule? Personal observation on life: as dumb as it sounds, having a fully equipped studio at hand whenever you feel like recording will sometimes work against you. I won't go into details on that because the laundry's best done at home, so that's that. Again, this isn't exactly an album version, for whatever it's worth. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks Hefe for airing it 1st on ...twice! :)
Amberskin - Waiting On The Wave
Asculta mai multe audio Muzica
Check it out on myspace. Tell your grandma!
The way you paralyze, the way you terrorize, the way you advertise your hate
The way you emphasize your feeble alibies, the way you televize deceit
The way you analyze the crashing of the skies, you're wishing your demise away
A carousel that dies, you spin and agonize, the wave is on the rise today
Cause I've seen the way we're pushed around
But I can hear the wave that'll bring'em crashing down
I've seen the way we're pushed around
But I can hear the wave that'll bring'em down
While we're waiting on the wave
The sound of your world drowning back into itself
It shimmers in the distance
Now we're waiting on the wave
The one that you can't kill, the one you fear and now
It shimmers in the distance
Closer now
The way we conversate, the way we meditate, don't fucking hesitate right now
The way we demonstrate there's ways to keep the faith before we devastate ourselves
The way we elevate above the will of fate, the way we animate these hearts
So we anticipate the falling of the gate that holds the waters back
Cause I've seen the way we're pushed around
But I can hear the wave that'll bring'em crashing down
I've seen the way we're pushed around
But I can hear the wave that'll bring'em down
While we're waiting on the wave
The sound of your world drowning back into itself
It shimmers in the distance
Now we're waiting on the wave
The one that you can't kill, the one you fear and now
It shimmers in the distance
Closer now
Closer now
And it's almost here now
It's almost here now
It's almost here
Interesting post as for me. It would be great to read a bit more concerning this matter. The only thing your blog needs is some pics of some gizmos.
Nickolas Karver
Cell phone jammer
Buna Ziua!
Eu sunt Vlad, unul dintre membri Radio Whisper - un radio antimanele dedicat bloggerilor şi nu numai.
Am găsit întâmplător blogul tău, am citit câteva articole şi nu am vrut să ies înainte să te felicit – mi-a plăcut mult ce am găsit aici. Am fost atras de subiectele interesante si de originalitatea articolelor. Felicitari ! Noi promovăm la radio diferite articole ale bloggerilor, iar azi am promovat un articol de-al tău; am specificat sursa articolului şi am deschis şi un subiect pe baza acestuia. Dacă doresti, poţi să ne recomanzi orice articol, iar noi îl vom promova.
Ne-ar face plăcere să ştim că ai dori să ne susţii în acest proiect de radio şi să accepţi o eventuală colaborare.
M-am gândit aşadar să vin cu o propunere:
Pe Radio Whisper se difuzează toate genurile de muzică, exceptând manele şi piese necenzurate. Avem şi câteva emisiuni, ştiri etc. Ne-am propus să realizăm un proiect mare, iar pentru asta avem nevoie de susţinerea şi ajutorul tău şi al celorlalţi colegi bloggeri. Dorim să creăm o echipă cât mai complexă de oameni cu un talent aparte şi m-am gândit că poate ai vrea sa ni te alături şi să colaborăm (binenţeles, pe unul dintre domeniile care îţi place). Dorim de asemenea să îţi acordăm un scurt interviu. Pentru noi sunt importante ideile şi modul de a gândi al bloggerilor şi al ascultatorilor noştri.
Îti multumesc pentru timpul acordat, iar acum îti propun sa adaugi linkul sau bannerul nostru pe blogul tău şi să ne dai add la id-ul asculta.whisper sau un e-mail, tot la, pentru a discuta mai multe.
Cu stimă Vlad!
un blog foarte interesant, felicitari am citit cateva articole cu mult interes
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